buyer experience
We can develop entirely new components and work with your UI team directly on how they will be presented to your clients.
Be it as part of our standard design template or within a fully custom content sales website.
and Asset Management
Whether you’re transitioning from an existing system or starting from scratch,
our team can help you streamline the workflow process of manual data entry and/or third-party import of metadata for your titles.
The sales process depends on it!
System & Data
Preventing siloed operations between third-party systems will ensure a streamlined workflow.
We offer numerous options to connect to your rights management, media asset solution or CRM system via an API-based integration or direct database connections.
We can provide support for your IT and development teams or do all of the work!
Via our state-of-the-art technology partners, we offer cost-efficient solutions to localize your content assets.
Whether it is AI subtitling or automated content dubbing we can take care of it and integrate it as part of your asset import or delivery workflows
Assets preparation
and e-delivery
If you'd like to use our platform beyond the sales and marketing phase, it can also take care of delivering assets to your licensees.
Our proprietary process can transcode your mezzanine files into client-specific requirements and deliver the assets directly to them via Aspera.